Very easy timings. Probably don't need to exceed 90 mph.
Waverley Edinburgh
- 20
- 50 (35 then 20 for points if on Dunblane Route)
- 25 for points if on Dunblane route
- 90
- 100
- Line diverges to right
Edinburgh Park
- Signal and feather coast for 80 ahead
- Newbridge Junction
- 80 R/C onto viaduct
- 90
- Tunnel
- Winchburn Junction track merges from right
- 100 OHB
- Long straight
- OHB - coast
- BP - L/C and signal
- 90
- Curves and viaduct
- 100
- Siding on left - coast for...
- 90
- R/C into
- Tracks diverge to Dunblane route
- 100
- 95 R/C
- BP - Signal and OHB
- Tunnel
- 100 into platform...
Falkirk High
- Greenhill junction and sidings
- BP - L/C and rock cutting
- Passing loop
- Long R/C after straight
- L/C - coast
- BP - viaduct
- R/C and sidings
- L/C and straight - coast
- BP - OHB
- 85 into platform...
- 70 - cutting
- 50 - shortly after 70
- 30 -signal at start of tunnel
- Downhill grade 2.2%
- 20 - signal in tunnel
- End of tunnel
Glasgow Queen Street
Glasgow Queen Street
- 20
- 50 Tunnel
- 60 end of tunnel
- L/C and junction to right
- Junction to left
- 70 - cutting
- 85 shortly after 70
- R/C
- 100
- Sidings
- Siding to left - 1.5 mile to Croy
- Signal and feather
- Sidings then Greenhill Junction to left
Falkirk High
- 95
- Tunnel
- 100 - not far to 90 ahead
- Signal and feather
- Siding on left
- 90
- Junction with Dunblane Line on left
- 100 - not far to 90 ahead
- 90 - viaduct
- 100 - signal and feather
- Cutting and arched OHB
- R/C
- 90 - OHB
- Winchburgh Junction to left
- Tunnel
- Arched OHB - coast for 80 ahead
- L/C
- 80
- Viaduct
- 100
- Newbridge junction line from right
- Long R/C
Edinburgh Park
- Accelerate to 80
- Junction from left
- 80 - signal and feather
- Track diverges to right
- Train wash on left
- 40 into platform at...
- Tunnel
- Signal
- 20 - end of tunnel
- Tunnel
Edinburgh Waverley